Archive | August 2013

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Letters to Pope Francis (Reprinted)

One might start with the premise that this book, written by a former priest and Dominican to the Roman Catholic Church’s new pope, Francis, and about what is wrong with the institutional church, would appeal only to Catholics. One would be wrong, quite simply. Matthew Fox delves into the rot at the center of the […]

The Stranger

Albert Camus first novel starts off simply enough. The writing is simple, with short direct sentences. You immediately wonder, (assuming you have not read Camus before) what is all the excitement about. This is no writer extraordinaire. But after a bit, you will see that you are very wrong. Classed usually as a piece of […]

The Coming Interspiritual Age

This is an extraordinarily enlightening book for most anyone who ponders the deep meaning of faith, evolution, and the future. Written by Kurt Johnson and David Robert Ord, the book explores in wonderfully encompassing detail the trek of mankind from the trees to the present. With attention to biology, physics, history, anthropology, psychology and just […]